Jobs 2015
Project Coordinator (TV-L EG 13) at the Faculty of Life Sciences, Kleve Campus, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Science

The Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences is looking for support for the faculty of Life Sciences, Kleve Campus and would like to fill the following vacancy as soon as
Reference number 10/F2/15
Project coordinator (m/f) of the international research project "BAOFOOD – Enhancing local food security and nutrition through promoting the use of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in rural
communities in Eastern Africa", up to wage group TV-L EG 13, depending on personal qualifications, limited contract for 3 years, full time. The vacancy is subject to funding approval by
the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
The BAOFOOD project aims at investigating and promoting the production, market development, processing and local consumption of baobab for the improvement of food security, nutrition and
livelihoods in Kenya and the Sudan. The project consortium includes 10 research institutions, NGOs
and private sector stakeholders from Germany, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan and the UK.
Your tasks:
- Coordinate and monitor project activities and progress in close collaboration with the project partners;
- Contribute to the research work and publications, and co-supervise Master and/or PhD students;
- Synthesize project findings across work packages in close collaboration with the project leader;
- Support the administration of project funds and reporting activities;
- Prepare and help to conduct stakeholder workshops and other knowledge management initiatives;
- Communicate project activities and results through appropriate communication channels;
- Help to build support for creating favourable frame conditions for sustainable baobab management in the target region;
- Support the acquisition of further third-party funds.
Your profile:
- An above-average degree in agricultural or business economics, natural resource management or a related discipline. A PhD/ doctoral degree will be of advantage;
- Proven competency in quantitative empirical social research, proficiency in inferential statistical methods, and the proven ability to contribute to interdisciplinary research works;
- Strong motivation to conduct and publish high-quality academic research;
- Proven project management skills and/or experience in managing and coordinating an international research consortium;
- Great personal initiative and proactive behavior;
- Excellent team and interpersonal skills and the desire to work in an international environment;
- Excellent English language skills;
- Work experience in Eastern or Southern Africa and/ or on baobab management and utilization will be of advantage.
Those applicants, whose native tongue is not German, will be supposted to acquire basic knowledge
of the German language.
The assignment provides the opportunity of, and requires the candidate's willingness for international
travel to the project countries.
The Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences promotes the professional development of women. Applications from women are therefore explicitly welcomed. In areas where women are not adequately
represented, they shall be given preferential consideration when offering the same suitability, capability and professional achievements as men according to the Equal Opportunities Act of North
Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz), unless there are exceptional reasons for giving preference to another applicant.
When offering the same suitability, preferential consideration shall be given to applications from suitable candidates with severe disabilities and equivalent persons pursuant to Section 2 (3)
German Social Security Code, Book IX (SGB IX).
Please send your written application with relevant documents by via post stating the reference number,
addressed to the Department Human Resources of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Marie-Curie-Str. 1, 47533 Kleve, Germany.
Post Doc (TV-L E13, full time) at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn, Germany

The Horticultural Science Research and Teaching Unit at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for the following
Post Doc (TV-L E13, full time)
"Physiological responses of horticultural crops to environmental conditions"
In the scope of a recently approved Bioeconomy Science Center Project (BioSC; we seek a candidate to explore the physiological response of horticultural crops (mainly tomato in protected cultivation) to environmental and stress
factors. Activities comprise basic physiological studies as well as laboratory activities for quantitative determination of plant pigments and specific secondary metabolites. Experience in
establishment and evaluation of experiments, as well as basic knowledge in plant physiology and horticultural crops is a prerequisite.
Your qualification and profile:
- Ph.D. Degree in Agricultural / Horticultural Sciences, Biology or comparable field of study
- Motivation and willingness to conduct horticultural experiments under protected cultivation
- Team spirit and readiness for cooperation in academia and with a dynamic project team
- Active participation in project meetings and BioSc events
- English and German language skills
- Competence and experience in presenting project results in meetings as well as national and international conferences
- Driver´s license for personal and sample material transportation from/to the experimental sites
The candidate will be based at the INRES-Horticultural Science Unit ( of the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn (Auf
dem Hügel 6, D-53121 Bonn, Germany). Salary and benefits are according to the public service position E 13 TV-L (State of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany). The selected candidate is also eligible
to apply for a "Job Ticket" for the public transport system.
Deadline for Application: October 04, 2015
Start of activities: November 01, 2015 (or by arrangement)
Contract duration: 24 months.
The University of Bonn is an equal opportunities employer. Preference will be given to suitably qualified women or handicapped people, all other considerations being equal. Further information
about the project activities can be provided by PD Dr. Mauricio Hunsche ( or Prof. Dr. Georg Noga (
Applicants are requested to send their documents (motivation letter and detailed CV) by electronic mail in one PDF-File to Dr. Mauricio Hunsche (
AVRDC - Search begins for new Director General

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center is seeking a highly experienced visionary leader for appointment as Director General starting April 2016.
The Center is the leading vegetable research and
development organization in the developing world. It is the only global institution in the public domain conserving vegetable germplasm, conducting vegetable research, and addressing related
nutrition and health issues.
Further information can be found at
Applications should be submitted by 30 June 2015 and must include a detailed curriculum vita, a cover letter stating interest in and qualifications for the position, and the
names/full contact information for four referees. Completed applications should be sent by email to the Chair of the World Vegetable Center Director General Search Committee at
Senior Researcher: Nutrition/Post-harvest

The Horticulture Competence Centre KoGa (Kompentenzzentrum Gartenbau) is a cooperation of its four support organizations, the University of Bonn, Jülich Research Centre, the Federal State
Rhineland-Palatinate (represented by the Dienstleistungszentrum Rheinpfalz) and the Chamber of Agriculture of North-Rhine-Westphalia. The centre serves as a bridge between practice and science
through fostering information exchange between the partners; carrying out joint research and development projects and communicating with stakeholders in science and practice.
Together with other partners, KoGa is involved in the project “Diversifying Agriculture for Balanced
Nutrition through Fruits and Vegetables in Multi-Storey Cropping Systems” (NutriHAF-Africa), a new
research and capacity building project in Ethiopia and Madagascar, which will explore and integrate
appropriate vegetable crops into multi-story cropping systems with the aim to increase (micro-)
nutrition security, diversify and intensify agriculture and thus to reduce pressure on natural habitats
in biodiversity hotspots. By applying a gender-sensitive participatory action research approach, the
project ensures that the needs and preferences of poor male and female smallholders are considered
and will thus increase the adoption potential.
Subject to the final project approval by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL),
KoGa offers a part-time post-doctoral position for a:
Senior Researcher: Nutrition/Post-harvest
(part time - 50 %)
based at the University of Bonn, INRES Gartenbauwissenschaften.
Your main responsibilities will be:
- Carry out nutritional characterization of the diets consumed in the project region;
- Assess the agricultural and nutritional characteristics of selected fruits and vegetables and develop guidelines;
- Survey existing post-harvest handling methods and contribute to a collation of best practices;
- Scientific coordination of work package 2 (Identification of appropriate vegetable species, suitable cropping patterns, nutrient content of crops)
- Contribute to the other project work packages, project workshops and scientific publications.
Expected education, qualifications and experience:
a) Essential:
- A PhD degree in horticulture, nutrition sciences or a related discipline;
- Knowledge of food and nutrition security issues;
- Knowledge of agriculture/horticulture in the tropics, esp. multi-story cropping systems;
- Relevant publications in international peer-reviewed journals;
- Proven leadership and administrative skills, including excellent communication skills;
- Interest and demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary and multi-cultural environment;
- Excellent proficiency in oral and written English;
- Willingness to travel extensively;
- Ability to work independently, efficiently and goal-oriented.
b) Advantageous:
- Work experience in Africa;
- Research experience in vegetable value chains;
- French language skills.
The remunerated according to German public service regulations (TVL-13; 50 %).
Length of appointment:
The position will be fixed-term for three years, starting in April 2015.
Application deadline:
14th February 2015 or until the position is filled.
Application/further information:
Please send your application (cover letter incl. motivation, CV and statement of work experience, list
of publications with one or two relevant articles attached, names and contacts of two referees)
should be sent by e-mail in one pdf document (less than 5 MB) to:
Dr. Hannah Jaenicke,
Horticulture Competence Center
Campus Klein-Altendorf 2
53359 Rheinbach
Phone: +49-2225-9808735
The reference of the position should be clearly marked in the subject line of the e-mail message. All
adequate applications will be acknowledged; only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Interviews will likely take place in early March 2015, but KoGa will continue to receive applications
until the position is filled.
In keeping with the University’s policy regarding gender equity, female applicants are particularly
encouraged. Disabled people with identical qualifications will be favored.
Research Assistant (ZEF Bonn)

This appointment is a one-year position, starting ideally in March 2015, with the possibility of extension subject to performance and funding.
19 hours per week.
Organisation/Location: Department of Economic and Technological Change, Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany.
Application deadline: 31-January-2015
The Department of Economic and Technological Change (ZEF b) of the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn (Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun) invites applications for the position Research
The research assistant (RA) will work in a team of ZEF researchers engaged in the projects “Economics of Land Degradation” and “Bioenergy, Bioeconomy and Food Security”.
The responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
- Literature search and review, online data compilation on project related topics
- Assistance in elaboration and maintenance of project databases
- Support in preparing research reports, policy briefs and other project publications
- Facilitation in the organization of project meetings, workshops and conference sessions
- Master’s Degree in Economics or its sub-fields, Mathematics/Statistics, Agricultural Sciences, Geography or related
- Proven competence in scientific literature reviews and online data compilation
- Good quantitative data and software skills (Stata)
- Ability to manage bibliographic databases (Endnote)
- Fluent German and English language skills are essential
- Good knowledge of ArcGIS is an additional asset
To apply, please send your letter of motivation, CV, Master’s Degree transcripts, one page abstract of your Master’s thesis in English, and two reference letters by email (write “ELD/Bioenergy -
RA” in the subject line) to:
Dr. Monika Kesting (E-mail:
The Center for Development Research ( is an international and interdisciplinary research institute of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn, Germany. ZEF is an equal
opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from women candidates. Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.